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- Pick your facing, insulation width, size, and we’ll build your panels to order.
- A breakthrough ultra low-cost GREEN way to frame and SUPER-INSULATE in one step!
- Stay In Touch with EZ SIPS
- Find Enercept
- We work exclusively with SIPs from Enercept in Watertown, SD – the industry leader in insulated panels.
- Kits And Other Products
From sub-zero temperatures to dry heat or high humidity, Mother Nature continually tests the limits of building envelopes. Products from EcoSteel are specifically engineered to secure the interior’s climate regardless of exterior weather conditions. R values measure the capacity of a material, such as insulation, to resist heat flow. We use Murus polyurethane SIPs because they have an impressive aged R-value of 6.76 per inch, which is the highest R-value per inch of any consumer insulation available. Benefits of using SIPs include faster construction, superior strength, energy efficiency, and less on-site waste. In the long run, SIP wall configurations are superior to on-site construction due to inconsistencies in field conditions and material limitations.
He is very knowledgeable in all aspects of the project and very easy to work with. I am looking forward to completing this project with Aaron as my contractor and adviser." Are you interested in powering your Birkenau home with solar energy?
Pick your facing, insulation width, size, and we’ll build your panels to order.
Today’s manufacturing is taking place with computer aided design, CNC fabrication, plastics, adhesives, engineered wood, modern machinery and a renewed respect for the environment. During manufacture, polyurethane (a two-part, epoxy-like foam) is injected between two OSB skins. The OSB skins are held in a press as the foam expands to fill the cavity. As the urethane cures, it forms a mechanical bond with the skins, creating an incredibly strong, monolithic structure. The resulting SIP panel is like a three dimensional I-beam with foam instead of webbing. Polyurethane panels are much stronger than frame construction or polystyrene structural insulated panels because of the mechanical bond that forms between the skins and the foam due to the pressure exerted by the expanding foam.

We work with Enercept from Watertown, SD, an industry leader in structurally insulated panels . SIPs block sound like few other materials – a big perk, especially in bedrooms, dens, home offices, media rooms and homes with interconnected, open floor plans. Results indicate that the industry experienced a modest 12 percent decrease in residential production volume in 2009, compared to a 28 percent drop in U.S. single family housing starts over the same time period.
A breakthrough ultra low-cost GREEN way to frame and SUPER-INSULATE in one step!
Since our panels are customized for each job, it's difficult to compose an actual price list. Details and design features such as wall height, covered porches, dormers, etc., can affect pricing considerably. No structure will be exactly like yours, so let us provide an estimate unique to you. Panels are cut exactly to the home’s design at the factory by the manufacturer and then numbered for easy installation, which results in less wasted materials and resources. Through the work of SIPA, many great organizations and researchers came forward to help refine and develop the SIP building system. Carpenters and Framers can now use EZ SIPS to add eco-friendly EPS insulation to standard built in place tilt-up wall Green Construction in just 1 step.
Our exterior wall and roof panels have a 50 year proven history on industrial applications. Our Insulated panels are provided with hidden fastener off set joinery for easy installation from the building exterior. Structurally insulated panels are the most common way we enclose our timber framed structures. SIPs are prefabricated wall panels that include an insulated core sandwiched between structural wood products like OSB or plywood. SIPs are customized to each project, delivered on site, and installed in place. EZ SIPS provides builders with a build-in-place structural insulated panels for easier green construction.
Stay In Touch with EZ SIPS
EPS is known to have double the thermal efficiency of Fiberglass™ for the same R-Value, leading to substantial savings on heating and air conditioning costs. Structural insulated panel construction contains much less wood than conventional construction because using polyurethane panels means that there are no studs. The only lumber used in the panels is oriented strand board , a structurally-rated sheathing material made from fast-growing, renewable, self-regenerating forests or plantation-grown trees. Traditional stud frame walls have many drawbacks such as “thermal bridging”, which is the heat that escapes through the gaps in the insulation created by the wood structure of the wall. A 2x6 at 16” on center stud frame wall insulated with R-19 batt insulation actually performs at around R-14 when you take into account the loss of insulation due to the walls structure.
Not only a cost-effective way to add Green insulation, EZ SIPS panels can be used as forms to actually frame walls and then retained as permanent insulation. The exclusive patent-pending design of the slots routed out for wood framing are a 4 foot wide wall building “die” or “mold” or “jig” or “template”, an Insulated Framing Panel like ICF Insulated Concrete Forms but for framed walls. Simply put the lumber studs and plates into the slots and nail the frame together. Homes that are framed with SIPs are exempt from the energy code blower door requirements. Often, an R-38 roof will be accepted by code because of the trade off in the higher R-value walls.
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When concrete is applied, by any method, the panel becomes a structural load bearing insulated wall system - a THREE-DIMENSIONAL lightweight panel that is one of the strongest building materials you can find. A key benefit of SIPs is the fact that the majority of the quality control of the product is built into the system. With other alternative building materials and systems the success or failure of the assembly is much more dependent on the workers in the field assembling the different components correctly. Mistakes as simple as choosing the wrong type of caulking or the wrong type of building tape can mean a failure of the assembly to function as desired.
If you have ever built a house, you know how easily these types of mistakes can and do happen, even with good supervision by a contractor that takes these details seriously . If built incorrectly, some assemblies can have major thermal, and moisture issues that can not only cause higher heating and cooling bills but also lead to mold and rot issues. These problems can jeopardize the durability and structural integrity of a house as well as pose serious hazards to the occupants health. Structural Insulated Panels are the energy efficient alternative to stick-built homes. We believe without hesitation that your SIP home will be one of the most comfortable, quiet and clean structures you will ever own. Unlike a stick-frame home, in which thermal performance is an afterthought, insulation is an integral part of a structural insulated panel SIP home.
All a builder has to do is follow the simple installation instructions and the home will function exactly as it should. Traditional stick-built homes can include several different measures to provide insulation. For example, insulation can be laid in between the two-by-six studs that make up the structure of the home.
EcoSteel’s insulated metal panels deliver both attractiveness and energy-efficiency to a building’s design. As building and energy codes become increasingly more stringent, our panels are particularly advantageous in achieving sustainable design and code compliance. You’ve put a lot of time in dreaming up your custom design and it should be exactly that – a customized building solution to fit the prescribed intent of the Architect’s Vision. With EcoSteel, you don’t need to worry about design limitations and costly construction. Our proven insulated steel panel technology provides fast construction and superior strength over wood or concrete methods.
The panels are built with a polystyrene core that will not burn and does not contain ozone-damaging chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s). The two steel reinforced concrete faces provide tensile and compressive strength. The EPS core separates and stabilizes the cement faces against buckling under edgewise compression, torsion or bending.

SIPs are the preferred choice for builders who have a passion for their craft and want to leave a legacy with their quality work. The innovative panels consist of an insulating foam core sandwiched between two structural facings, typically oriented strand board . SIPs are precisely manufactured under factory controlled conditions and fit nearly any building design.
We work exclusively with SIPs from Enercept in Watertown, SD – the industry leader in insulated panels.
Find out about the life of an Enercept project, from concept to reality, start to finish. Structural Insulated Panel technology can be used with any house design or style. If you have basic carpentry skills and some handy friends, your house kit can be under roof in as little as 1-2 days.
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